The Seed of the Righteous Shall be Delivered!

oak-acorns Proverbs 11:21 Though they join hand in hand, the wicked shall not go unpunished; but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.  *

This is one of my favorite scriptures!  The seed of the righteous shall be delivered!  Hallelujah!  And all the mom’s say – AMEN!  For those of you who are not parents – this is a good one to commit to memory for future use OR if you are not having children –the word SEED there in the Strong’s concordance means – your offspring and it also means “time of sowing” – So – whatever you are sowing in the Lord – that will be delivered too!  God has not lost one seed and He keeps very good records.  However, for today’s devotion, I am focusing on our offspring.

You know, I was raised in church all of my life, and therefore, I have done the same for my boys.  I have always stood on Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.  What a promise!   But kids will be kids and we all make choices that do not line up with the Word of God at some point in our lives.  We know that raising our children in church – in the fear and admonition of the Lord, will give us a promise that even if they stray, they will return! What a comfort!

Now, let me take a side journey… – I was talking to someone once, who was raised to know Jesus, but was currently out of fellowship with Him, trying to interpret the scriptures according to the way “they” wanted to live, etc. Then they quoted Proverbs 22:6 to me – saying their mom had raised them right, and she had a promise, so no matter what, they were “safe.” HMMMMM – let me say this – I stand with their mom and believe for the return of this child – but if YOU are that child – Galatians 6:7 says “Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap.” So, while I stand with your mother, that before you die, you will return to the Lord, IF she continues to declare and fight for you according to the Word. However, knowingly committing sin in this arrogant, deceptive manner will cause you to reap the fruit of that labor….so I implore you to come to your senses, repent, and return to the Lord. There are people assigned to you, and rewards the Father has for you, that you will not get, unless you are living for Him!

However, I used to feel sorry for the people I met who couldn’t use that scripture, people who they themselves, did not get saved until they were adults, therefore, they didn’t raise their children to have a personal relationship with Jesus.  But, not anymore…  This scripture covers everyone and is solid to stand upon! How faithful is our God!

THE SEED OF THE RIGHTEOUS SHALL BE DELIVERED!  SO! If you did not get saved until you were an adult, and have children who  do not know God – I’d declare this, pray this, sing this, memorize this, 24/7.  God has not left anyone out!  Not to mention throw in Acts 16:31 – and all thy household shall be saved! – Household means your family!!!!!  Yea Jesus!  Do you not see?


“Is not my word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?
Blacksmith hammering red hot steel on a wooden surface that is catching on fire. Focus is on the hammer and glove.

You begin to quote the Word of God over your kids and watch it break the rock of stubborn will and rebellion into smithereens!  Let’s go one step further…..Let’s say your kids are saved, but bound by fear, bitterness, anger, hurt, pride, rejection, etc.


The word delivered in the Strong’s means to escape  – be delivered.  It is used many times as the word escape when it says things like David escaped from Saul or when the Israelites were delivered from the hand of the Philistines.  Delivered/Escaped is the same word in Hebrew!  Your daughter battling unforgiveness?  She shall escape!  She shall be delivered!  Your son battling addiction?  He shall be delivered!!!  Oh and before condemnation comes and tells you that you are not righteous – let me give you that definition to – it means “as justified and vindicated by God”.  If you are born again, YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS!  GOD SAYS SO!

Perhaps you have a righteous mother or grandmother, and your siblings are out in sin, so therefore, their children are “uncovered” and have no one praying for them – Hey – the righteousness of your mother/father can cover their grandchildren! God is a generational God. Get your parents declaring this! Declare it over your nieces and nephews! And again, do not forget Acts 16:31!

Do you understand the power of what I have just told you?

Your child shall be delivered, shall escape from whatever has them bound IF you will stand on this word and confess it over them, pray over them and be determined not to give up no matter what you see, hear or feel. 

Here is some ammunition to use against our foe:

Jeremiah 31:16 – This is what the LORD says: “Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded,” declares the LORD. “They will return from the land of the enemy.

Isaiah 59:21
21 “This is my promise[a] to them,” says the LORD. “My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I put in your mouth will not leave you. They will be with your children and your grandchildren permanently,” says the LORD.

Isaiah 44:3
3 For I will give you abundant water for your thirst and for your parched fields. And I will pour out my Spirit and my blessings on your children.

Isaiah 49:25
25 But the Lord says, “Even the captives of the most mighty and most terrible shall all be freed; for I will fight those who fight you, and I will save your children.

Isaiah 49:25
25 Surely, thus says the LORD, “Even the captives of the mighty man will be taken away,
And the prey of the tyrant will be rescued;
For I will contend with the one who contends with you,
And I will save your sons.

Psalm 145:9 The Lord is good to everyone; he is merciful to all he has made.

Isaiah 28:17-18
And hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. And [insert your child’s name] covenant with death shall be disannulled, and [their] agreement with hell shall not stand.

Mommas – we have authority in the spirit! Even if your child is grown and of age – it matters not! God has stacked the deck in our favor! In their favor! They know not what they do! He loves our kids even more than we do! Always declare the word and pray for them according to the will of the Father – never our own will – and it will always work out. (I caution this because it is easy to think we know what they need – we know that they need to return and serve this way or that way and be a worship leader or minister, etc. No – we must pray His will and I also encourage you to pray in the Spirit as it is the perfect will!

One last thing – a great resource for parents is the book Joyful Parent = Happy Home by Mary Hudson. This book changed my life and released me from a huge false burden I was carrying! I highly recommend it! You can get it on Amazon.

So, join me in prayer…family-tree

Father, we thank You right now that You are delivering our children and our times of sowing.  I know that You have not lost one seed and our harvest will come!  I thank You right now, that You are bringing people across our kids’ paths to deliver them and set them free!  We release angels to minister to them and declare that no devil in hell will be able to keep them bound with chains of anything contrary to Your word. We ask You to surround them with Your goodness for it is the goodness of God that brings repentance! We confess this Word over them and as we do, we thank You that it is shattering the obstacles in their lives into pieces! We give You praise that You are delivering them from deception and delivering them to TRUTH! From sin and to life everlasting!  We will be joyful! They will sense the peace on our lives and it will bring restoration! We have peace because we have this promise that will not be shaken. Hallelujah!  We believe that we receive and therefore, we shall HAVE what we have prayed according to Mark 11:24.  We give You praise and Glory in Jesus’ Name!  Amen!

*updated August 2016

43 thoughts on “The Seed of the Righteous Shall be Delivered!

  1. This verse was one of those profound promises that I prayed for my children but particularly for my youngest son who has had drug problems for a number of years, struggling, rehabbing, relapsing, some very good years until he relapsed for the last time which took his life.
    It was always my prayer through that verse that he would be delivered in life, totally free from the clutches of drugs. But it wasn’t to be in that way; instead, he was delivered through death to live in Eternal freedom, rest and peace, knowing his struggle is over!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is awesome! A must read for mother’s crying out for their children! This truly helped me with the guilt I felt in thinking I didn’t say or do enough. I thank God for allowing me to read this!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much! I was not aware of these scriptures and I have been reading the bibles for so many years. It deeply encouraged me and gives me the ammunition I need to fight for my son’s soul and health. God Bless! Shirley Beemer from Hawaii

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for sharing. I’ve been keeping my 7 kids and 7 grandchildren picture on this scripture in my Bible believing GOD’s Word for their deliverance. This message was just like Proverbs 25:11 and 15:23!


  5. Thank you so much for this amazing article. You were a messenger for me today from the Holt Spirit . Also a much needed confirmation that the Mighty Lord has heard and answered my prayers and also my deceased Mother’s prayers. Amen


  6. Thank you so much!!! Praying for my entire family!! It gets discouraging when you pray and see small results. Hugh rebellion, mocking and disbelief along with depression and anxiety. These words were like the gas I needed to continue the battle! Thank you


    • Amen Amen my only child is 25 and has a baby 3 month and fighting mental illness.
      And hard as that is I did tell her about Jesus early as I was taught. But I didn’t live it until I was 42 when I totally surrender my life to Jesus
      It’s been 10 years and I really need to hear the truth once again .sometimes we need reminding I guess I thank you for the word of God and he’s definitely is a God of promises
      And honor thank you I cover you in the blood

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you! I’m going through this period my daughter 17 years old left us ! Sad part of it all is she was brought up to know about Jesus and now suddenly something went wrong I don’t know what it is..! I’m praying for her to return back home! We miss her! Please join with me in prayer and I am going to stand in Gods words you have clearly laid out for you. Thank you. Be blessed..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the inspiration. I has added to scriptures like Genesis 22:17; Psalm 127:3-5; Ishiah 65:23 i have been using to pray for two children God gave me that have been wayward for over 20 years and have not given them up. Praise God for the knowledge and faith added

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Kelita,
    I have been declaring Jeremiah 31:16 over my children for the last 4.5 years. I’m looking forward to their return. (3 beautiful daughters) I haven’t read ANY blogs with as much agreement as I did this one. I am greatly encouraged by this confirmation of all that I had know, but had not seen come to pass…yet! God is good and will lead them to repentance.


    P.S. I’m the dad.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I thank God He is faithful all the time. I have a 6 year old grandson who is very rebellious I have been praying for him. There are times I sense there is a change and it goes back to the same tantrums anger etc. I almost felt like giving up and just letting go. But today it’s a new beginning for me after reading your blog. I was so encouraged by it because it revealed to me what I was doing was without the right scripture. Thank you thus is truly a revelation to me. God bless you and increase you in every area of your life. I now speak God’s Word over him.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you this article was so inspiring and encouraging. It gives a parent hope during this pandemic and praying for my sons who are lost in sin and generational addictions. Praying for their souls in Jesus name.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hallelujah, thank God for this word. My son just told me that he doesn’t believe that there is a God. I am truly heartbroken, however, I am now encouraged that he shall be delivered in Jesus’ name!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: Things My Son Jotted Down To Do Instead of Doing Drugs * Flourish

  13. Bless God!!!!
    I am so grateful for his word and this reading of encouragement. God is an awesome faithful God and I am so glad that I know him; I love him. Praising God for the blood of Jesus!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Glorry to Jesus! This blessed me immensely! How relieving to know that our children’s welfare have been covered in the covenant we have with Jehovah! Thank You so much Lord Jesus for all You do! Yes! the seed of the righteous shall be delivered! My grandmother is a godly woman…has 7children presently…though only 4 are believers and out of those 4,just 2 are really sound in the faith/and in truth. I will myself confess this over my yet to be saved uncles,and get my granny to do same. Jesus is so lovely and good to us,not leaving us helpless and hopeless concerning the spiritual welfare of our offsprings. Yes! My uncles shall ALL be delivered,for they are the seed of the righteous! In Jesus’name! Amen!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thank you for this message it was so from God for me at this time . Our God is amazing and we are covered by the Blood of Jesus . Do not be downhearted for he is with you and he will give you the desires of your heart Amen and Amen 🙏🏻


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